Intuitive thinking: a skill or random guesswork.

Intuitive thinking in layman language the sixth sense. Or we say you have amazing gutsy skills. Listen to your gut! Mostly you have heard of the people who take the courage of being alone but take the courage to listen to their intuitive thinking, because they feel that whatever goes in their heart is correct and they end up listening to this voice and it’s even more astonishing that their outcome too is in their favour.

Today in this blog( Intuitive thinking: a skill or random guesswork), adoresays going to discuss intuitive thinking. How intuitive thinking helps us. Does everybody have this kind of skill set? What can be the ways to improve your Intuitive thinking? Is intuitive thinking reliable? How to actually know that our feeling and thought is coming from intuitive thinking? What are the advantages of intuitive thinking? What can be the example by which you will be able to relate to intuitive thinking?

Define intuitive thinking?

When you are stuck in a problem and the instant thought your mind provides you with zero calculation and without any calculative interference of rational thinking or by not using any kind of logic or inference basis on it. That particular and very first thought is intuitive thinking.

Intuitive thinking image
Intuitive thinking

How do we know, it’s intuitive thinking?

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you have this very first thought then the other thought counters it by facts, and so many logics. Then you reach the conclusion by proving your first thought to be wrong. And that’s how you end up being on the thought which is forwarded by your conscious mind. Because logic, reasoning totally belongs to the conscious mind and whenever and wherever the conscious mind enters the subconscious mind leaves.

That first thought which suddenly and rapidly comes to your mind when you don’t even
know that your mind picks this thought up. That is intuitive thinking. It’s not like every first thought is an intuitive one. So the answer to this question is a big No. Of course we will deal with it later.

Examples of Intuitive thinking.

Students can fully relate, when you solve any objective paper, so notice during that time, that in a few questions your mind just throws the answers that this is the correct one. But when you get back to find the reason you just don’t know the reason why you pick that option to be the correct one. And we substitute with the name called it’s nice guess work. But it’s not!!
It’s a great intuitive voice.

Embracing Change in life can be magical.

How can you enhance your intuitive thinking?

There are number of practical ways by which you will be able to find more ease while recognizing your intuitive thinking and feeling.

♠ By experience.

It’s true that we don’t have that specific reason why my mind saying this but if you pay attention it’s the by-product of an accumulative kind of past experience that you have gone through. So yes, experience matters a lot. And the quality of your intuitive voice actually depends on your experience and exposure to the situations.

♠ By your awareness.

All this voice can’t be noticed by little awareness. One has to have the awareness so that whenever it knocks to you as a reaction you must be available to catch it and reflect it into your actions.

♠ pick up trick.

When you are confused to choose between which voice (intuitive or logical) should I go for? Choose anyone by flipping up a coin and suppose you pick one with logical reasoning but still your mind is not 100% agreed with this. And that’s how you know that somewhere you are agreeing with the first thought and idea or answer which your mind reflects and by this simple exercise you can easily choose the intuitive feeling.

Intuitive thinking quote
Intuitive thinking quote

♠ Attentive towards first thought.

Within 5 seconds when it comes to your mind as an answer that’s the intuitive feeling and thinking. So don’t ruin it by logical thinking or critical thinking.

How reliable intuitive thinking psychology can really be?

Well! It’s not like that one is a master of intuitive thinking skills in every eld of their life or in every area of their life. So be cautious and observe carefully in which area your intuitive skill works and makes you strong and where it deceives you so in that eld try to gain more experience and exposure to become good at it.

As per the research by Harvard business review, intuition is an intelligent shortcut but it’s only helpful under few or specific conditions. It takes a really impressive amount of domain specific experience and expertise to develop the correct intuitive judgement for around 10 years. During this time frame, it is necessary to get into the cycle of repetition and feedback are essential. These repetitions and feedback becomes really the stepping stone to learn the intuitive skill and can be used to make fast and effective decisions.

Other kinds of problems where intuitive thinking and intuitive learning is important are unstructured problems. Certain areas that don’t benefit from intuition are the ones that have clear decision rules, objective criteria and abundant data with which we need to perform the process of analysis.

Advantages of intuitive thinking.

You get sudden and rapid answers and most of the time, it proves to be the right one and the reliable one. The most appreciative part of getting the intuitive feeling is: it’s like a skill which you have enhanced over a period of time, and now it doesn’t count your effort every time from zero.

Intuitive thinking quote
Intuitive thinking quote

It aids in your work whether it’s professional, personal or if sometimes about your partner in a relationship too, intuitive thinking is that much fond able that the theory of relativity (one of the greatest theory) produced by Einstein is the by-product of it. As per Einstein, it’s the rare gift that you get from God.

It helps you wherever it can, you don’t need any reasoning or logic behind it. You just use it in the milliseconds, you have your answer.


Overall intuitive feeling is a feeling over which you can rely, but then also we too give you the suggestion that you should prefer to utilize both thinking ( intuitive plus analysis ), by combining both the thinking, your chances of being erratic is almost 0% .


Does everyone possess it or just special or smart ones?

Yes ! This miraculous thinking is already embedded in everyone. It’s just your experience and ability that determines how often you use it.

Is being intuitive a good thing?

Intuitive feeling or thinking although is an instant instinct but it’s not the random one, so if it comes to you, you might have the experience of that particular domain.

Should I trust my intuition?

Yeah! But there are certain conditions and certain ways, by knowing and by being fully aware of it, you should use it.

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